4 Simple Tips for a Sparkling Clean Glass-Top Stove

We all agree that glass-top stoves are the most attractive stoves. It has a unique and sleek design that makes it the most important thing in the kitchen because without it you can cook for yourself. But the toughest thing about these glass-top stoves is the cleaning. You have to do it manually with your hands.

Yes, it can be an issue for you if you don’t clean the oil splatter instantly else it will turn into a black burn which won’t be easy to clean later. But it’s not a big problem at all as in this article we will tell you the 4 simple tips for a sparkling clean glass-top stove.

If you keep these 4 tips in mind while using a glass-top stove, then it will never go dirty and your kitchen will look good as always.

Tip 1: Clean food instantly

Yes, this tip is simple to hear but most people keep the stain for another day, and they try to clean that stain after it gets hard. So, what’s my point? It is easy, you have to stop being a lazy bone if you are cooking on a glass-top stove. If some sauce or a spill falls on the glass top, then clean it immediately after the stove cools down.

After the stove is cool enough, take a wet cloth and wipe the stain off from the glass top. Else the more time you leave the stain on the stove, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it.

The worst food stains to be left on a glass-top stove are the sugary syrups and jellies that fall from your cookware. It can cause cracks in your glass-top stove which can shatter the glass of your stove. So, make sure that if things like these fall on your glass stove, then wipe it as soon as the stove cools down.

Tip 2: Use Liquid-based Cleaners

So, there is a myth that everyone talks about that these cleaners can cause damage to your glass-top stoves but it’s not true. The most important thing is to choose a good quality liquid cleaner for your glass-top stove. You can use liquid-based cleaners that are thick and a little creamy so that they can clean the stain easily.

Now we will tell a step-by-step process to clean your glass stove with a liquid-based cleaner.

  • Take as much amount of cleaner as can spread all over the surface of your glass-top stove.
  • Let the liquid turn from liquid to a milky-white color layer.
  • Use a clean cotton cloth to wipe the surface and pay extra heed to the areas that feel rough.
  • Once the cleaner has wiped off completely from the glass-top stove, take a separate dry cloth and wipe it again.
  • If you don’t feel the surface is smooth enough to satisfy you, repeat the process.
Also Read: Top 10 Non-Stick Pans for Gas Stove Cooking in 2024

Tip 3: Checking your Kitchen Storeroom

If you don’t have enough time or don’t want to waste money on cleaners, then we will tell you the best alternative to it. You will be shocked to know that the lemons, distilled vinegar, and baking soda in your kitchen work best to remove those difficult stains on your glass top.

As we know baking soda is a natural chemical antibacterial and lemons can help to cut through grease and staining. Both lemon and baking soda make a powerful duo that can take off these stains. We will tell you how you can do it easily.

  • So, the first thing to always keep in mind is to let the stove completely cool.
  • Once the stove is cooled down, carefully sprinkle baking soda all over the glass-top stove.
  • Take a lemon and slice it. Rub the slice of lemon all over the glass-top stove and confine the mess in one spot.
  • When you finish it, take a damp cloth and wipe it down.
  • At last, take a clean cloth or a sponge and clean the stove again to make sure if it’s cleaned nicely.

Tip 3: Using Razor or Scraping Tools

Most will be shocked to read about the use of a razor or a scrapper on their glass-top stove but it won’t cause damage to the stove. If you use a good quality special razor then you can easily clean those stubborn stains on your glass top stove.

So, it is not like you just start taking off those stains directly from the stove. There is a step-by-step process that you can follow to take out those spatters.

  • First, as always you have to let your stove to be completely cool down.
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe off the extra particles.
  • Now, use a liquid-based cleaner and spread it all over the surface of your glass-top stove.
  • Hold your razor or a scraper at an angle and rub it over the stains leisurely.
  • Take a clean cloth and wipe off all the mess.
  • If you don’t feel the surface smooth, repeat the process.

Remember: If you use the corner of the scraper, then it can scratch your stove. So, if you don’t want your glass-top stove to look bad, then never use the corners of your razor or a scraper.

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